Pidato Tentang Plagiarisme

Plagiarism is plagiarism that violates copyright (Ministry of National Education Language Center, 2002). Copyright is an exclusive right for the Creator or the recipient of the right to announce or reproduce his work or give permission for it by not reducing the restrictions according to the applicable laws and regulations. Creation is the result of every work of the Creator which shows its authenticity in the field of science, art, or literature (Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2002). According to Adimihardja (2005), plagiarism is the theft and use of other people's ideas or writings (without legal means) and recognized as their own. Plagiarism is also defined as the activity of deliberately copying the thoughts or work of others without legal means (Adimihardja, 2002). Plagiarism is also known as plagiarism (Rosyidi, 2007). Plagiarism is the taking of essays (opinions and so on) belonging to others and making them as if they were (opinions) themselves, for example publishing other people's writings on their own behalf. As for people who take essays (opinions and so on) belonging to others and broadcast as essays or opinions themselves called plagiarists or plagiarists (Language Center of the Ministry of National Education, 2002).

Referring to some of these definitions, it can be stated that plagiarists can be called plagiarists or thieves or liars.

Why is plagiarism said to be a disgraceful act? Because plagiarism violates the ethical code of scientists. All procedures carried out in scientific activities by all those who can be categorized as scientists (except people who are not spiritually minded) are designed to fulfill two moral principles, namely to find truth (scientific truth) and honesty (intellectual honesty). Plagiarism is a disgraceful act because it can harm the original author, deceive the reader, deceive the public, and reduce self-integrity. Plagiarism is taboo in all universities in the world and for anyone, harms others whose work or ideas are stolen, and damages the reputation of universities. Even plagiarism can damage scientific integrity, kill creativity, and hinder fair competition
Broadly speaking, actions that include plagiarism include (Rosyidi, 2007):

a. copy someone else's writing outright, without giving an explanation that the writing was taken from another writing and / or without mentioning the source,

b. take other people's ideas without giving enough information about the source of the idea.

According to Adimihardja (2005) there are many types of plagiarism, including the following.

a. Citing or repeating the ideas of others in a conversation without referring to those who have ideas, without giving an award or gratitude to those who have the idea. Steal other people's ideas in a conversation and then write them without legal permission from those who have such ideas including plagiarism; and this is a scientific sin.

b. All written opinions or statements of others are quoted without giving awards to those who have opinions through footnotes or bibliography.

c. Conducting indirect quotes from other people's opinions or statements in writing without doing refrases (paraphrasing).

d. Citing tables and images without mentioning the source.

e. Two writings titled and contain the same, then the latter comes out as a result of plagiarism.

f. Copying all the work of other people, and the copy is acknowledged as the writing itself even though those who have permissible papers sincerely; even though the one with the writing was his sister, his brother, his mother, his father or his wife. The intended works include those published (books, articles in journals / proceedings / magazines) and unpublished ones (papers for seminars, research reports, theses, theses, dissertations, dictates, textbooks).

g. Published student writing without writing the name of the student as the first author.

h. Authors who intentionally send the same title in two or more journals.

i. Translating someone else's writing and writing himself as a writer.

j. Modified other people's writings and phrases without including the original author.

In the University of Lampung Academic Regulation of 2009, Article 44 states that the types of plagiarism can be in the form of:

a. borrow ideas, organizations, statements, labels, pictures, maps, and various things from other sources without proper recognition (without including original sources),

b. reproducing the work of other people, both published and unpublished, one chapter of the book, peer-to-peer papers, and other similar things,

c. request or allow other parties to change or improve a work that should be done on their own,

d. make slight changes without changing the organization, content, and editorial without mentioning the source.

Care must be taken that there are many works that are protected by law, including the following:

a. books, computer programs, flyers, published writings, and all other written works;

b. lectures, lectures, speeches, and other creations similar to that;

c. teaching aids made for the benefit of education and science;

d. songs or music with or without text;

e. drama or musical drama, dance, choreography, puppetry, and pantomime;

f. art in all forms such as painting, drawing, carving, calligraphy, sculpture, sculpture, collage, and applied art;

g. architecture;

h. map;

i. batik art;

j. photography;

k. cinematography;

l. translations, interpretations, adaptations, anthologies, databases, and other works as a result of the transfer.

Therefore, let us learn, practice, and do honest and true, respect other people through the work of others and our own works, so that we do not belong to the class of plagiarists who must have low integrity and respect for themselves. 
Plagiarism seems to have been entrenched among young people (just like the OKK UI 2013 theme). Controls that are not strict are triggers. The inability of control comes from the relatively low quality of the supervisor, the number of unbalanced mentors. up-to-date library resources, access to information sources that are difficult to reach, and unclear or even non-existent sanctions against plagiarists.

But you know that plagiarism is a crime. In the teachings of our religion, namely Islam, stealing, taking or confessing something that is not ours, sin is unlawful. Islam strictly forbids such actions. All of our actions and behavior must be held accountable. We want to be a plagiarist (plagiarist: a term for people who commit acts of plagiarism). With such restrictions, plagiarism is theft (harsh language, piracy) and plagiaris is a thief / hijacker.


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